Monday, September 3, 2007

Seventh Meeting: Respect for Health and Environment

Part A. Respect for Physical/Mental Health

What's the big deal about 'under age' drinking?

*for me i hate to drink alcohol it makes me EEWWW!! YUCKK!!!

Despite this alcohol is a legal (for adults) and socially acceptable way of altering mood states - at least in western societies.Facts about alcoholAlcohol is drug that works directly on the central nervous system. Alcohol kills more male teenagers and young men than any other drug taken to affect mood and behavior (heroin, cocaine, marijuana).
Most deaths and injury due to alcohol are caused by the way people behave when under its influence. Men fight more, drive more recklessly , and engage in more risky behaviors. Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for the three leading causes of death among youth: unintentional injuries (including motor vehicle crashes and drownings), suicides; and homicides. Alcohol also puts you at greater risk from sexual behavior where you find you have more than you had planned on- a sexually transmitted disease or an unwanted pregnancy!
Alcohol intake and teen healthBecause the body changes so much as we grow, the ability both to judge and cope with alcohol changes all the time.

poisoned by alcohol.
The liver can be damaged. It takes a few days for it to recover and to get back to normal functioning after a 'session'.
The heart can beat so irregularly that it can stop.
The body can lose temperature causing hypothermia. Every year some teens die when they get drunk and pass out in the freezing cold.
Too little sugar in the body can cause coma and seizures.
Breathing can become so shallow or slow that it can stop.
One of the most common ways in which teens (and adults) die from alcohol is by choking on their own vomit. If you vomit when you are unconscious you can easily breath it in. If your body cannot get the oxygen it needs brain damage or death results.

Cigarette Smoking

*for me it is the same also in drinking alcohol but cigarette smoking are really dangerousin our health b'coz many parts of our body will affect on it speacially our lungs.

There are so many serious problems facing our young people today. If we forget, today's news stories will remind us of the dangers of violence, drunken driving, alcohol or other drug use, early sexual activity, and many more.
With all of the worries we face, why add the problem of teen smoking to our list? Smoking is legal for adults, and many adults smoke and seem to have little problem with it. Many of us are former smokers, or at least we know many former smokers. It is not necessarily a death sentence, after all. Celebrities do it, friends do it, good and intelligent people do it
Teen smoking and the influence of advertising are not small or isolated occurrences, but are happening every day with many of our young people in Lawrence, as well as the nation. Tobacco has been found to be a "gateway" substance for many young people, meaning that youths who eventually use other drugs (alcohol, marijuana, etc.) began by smoking cigarettes. All parents fear violence in schools and in the community, and we are shocked and afraid for our children in Lawrence when we hear about violence in another town. However, the chances that our children will die early in life as a result of violence are far less than their chances of dying early because of smoking. Tobacco has been and remains the only product which results in death to humans if it is used exactly as the makers intended.
So what can a parent do? Don't turn a blind eye to teens smoking. Don't say it is better than some things they could be doing, so you'll just ignore it. Don't say that because you smoke or have smoked you could not draw a firm line with your child. Buying tobacco is against the law for minors, and it is not illegal for adults, so there is a difference.
Don't deny that smoking is deadly and a far greater threat to your child's life than many other things that you try to avoid. Monitor your child's activities and don't be afraid to confront a situation if there is evidence of smoking. Don't be afraid to set rules regarding no smoking. Don't let your teen get away with saying "it's no big deal," because it is deadly and it is addictive.

Part 2: Care for Environment

Ten Basic Tips To Help Stop Global Warming

10. Replace all automobiles with Fisher-Price Big Wheels.

9. Get every guy to do things to get icy stares from the females in their lives.

8.Now the daily minimum glasses of water you should drink is about 13. That way, if the iceburgs melt, there'll be room.

7. Everyone in the world will flap their arms at the same time and start a breeze.

6. Avoid those pesky UV rays altogether and blow up the sun.

5.Poke a few more holes in that pesky ozone layer to let the dangerous gases escape from our atmosphere.

4. Build as big a catapult as your backyard has room for. Buy all of the "large" bags of ice at 7-11 and lauch them into the ozone layer.

3. Be sure to switch off the sun whenever you leave the room.

2. Frozen Margaritas - and lots of 'em

1. We have saran wrap, and we have astronauts.

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